Nepalac narod-najzastupljenije države
Nema još uvek dovoljno podataka da se pokaže država u kojoj je Nepalac najzastuplenija etnička grupa.
Izaberite drugu etničku grupu da biste videli zemlje u kojima su uobičajeni.
Izaberite drugu etničku grupu da biste videli zemlje u kojima su uobičajeni.
Nepalac narod
Archeological evidence points to continued habitation in the Kathmandu Valley for over 10,000 years. Nepalis’ ancestors are a combination of indigenous peoples of the Kathmandu Valley and Nepali highlands, and Indo-Aryan and Sino-Tibetan emigrants to the region. As a crossroads between India and Tibet, Nepal is home to a diverse set of ethnic groups and castes. While Siddhartha Gautama (later known as the Buddha) was born in Lumbini in Southern Nepal, 80% of Nepalis today are Hindu. Buddhists form the largest religious minority and most live in the northern regions of the country, including the Sherpa people native to the area surrounding Mt. Everest, the tallest mountain on Earth. Prior to its dismantling in 2008, Nepal was the last remaining Hindu monarchy in the world.