France, Naturalizations
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France, Naturalizations
1.749.377 zapisa
This collection contains an index of French naturalization records from the twentieth century. Records typically contain the individual’s name, date and place of birth, as well as the date of the decree of naturalization.<br>The decrees issued between 1900 and 1931 were published in the Bulletin des lois (Bulletin of the laws), and from 1924 onward, these were published in the Journal officiel de la République française (Official Journal of the French Republic).<br><br>This collection was added following MyHeritage's acquisition of Filae.<br><br>France Naturalizations 1900 1963 2
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Pierre CardinNaturalization: Dec 25 1936
Pierre Cardin was an Italian-born naturalised-French fashion designer. He is known for what were his avant-garde style and Space Age designs.