Imperial Gazetteer of England And Wales, Volume 4
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Imperial Gazetteer of England And Wales, Volume 4
400 zapisa
Imperial Gazetteer of England And Wales: Embracing Recent Changes in Counties, Dioceses, Parishes, And Boroughs: General Statistics: Postal Arrangements: Railway Systems, &C., And Forming a Complete Description of the Country (1870).<br><br> v.5. is not in the ACPL collection<br><br>vol. 1, Aaron End-Chartley-Holme.--v. 2, Ckhart-Grasmere.--v. 3, Grasmoor-Lees.--v. 4, Leescourt-Mounton.--v. 5, Mount-Pellon-Sheffield.--v. 6, Sheffield-Zouch and summary
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