Notes And Queries, Volume 3, 1851 (1849)
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Notes And Queries, Volume 3, 1851 (1849)
560 strana
Notes And Queries (1849). "For readers and writers, collectors and librarians," (varies)<br><br>Humanities index<br><br>Abstracts of English studies<br><br>America,<br><br> history and life<br><br>Annual bibliography of English language and literature<br><br>Historical abstracts. Part A. Modern history abstracts<br><br>Historical abstracts. Part B. Twentieth century abstracts<br><br>Index to book reviews in the humanities<br><br>MLA international bibliography of books and articles on the modern languages and literatures (Complete edition)<br><br>Recently published articles<br><br>Vols. 1-[145], Nov. 1849-1923, called ser. [1]-13 (ser. 1-12 in 12 v. each, ser. 13 in 1 v.)<br><br>Vols. 199- 1954- called new ser. v. 1<br><br>Ser. 1-12, Nov. 1849-June 1923 (an index for each ser.) 12 v., Vols. [145]-156, July 1923-June 1929. 1 v., Vols. 157-168, July 1929-June 1935. 1 v
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